The most obvious thing that can be said about global warming is that the earth is getting warmer. Specifically, the temperatures near the surface of the earth and the temperatures in the ocean are rising. Since 1990, there have been 10 years that have been hotter than any others in recorded history. The greenhouse effect […]

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The 3 A’s Linked to Ancient Alien Theory: Conspiracy, or not? Most people have assumed that ancient text or biblical writings describing God-like monolithic beings descending from the sky were simply myths. Belief in miracles has long since gone out of fashion, and our overly rational minds sometimes have difficulty accepting the unexplainable. Many people […]

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History offers many insights into our financial world. Of course, while in history class the teachers focus on the topics of wars and victories.This way we learn who was dealing the cards at the table behind the scenes; the money movers. You cannot have a war without funding, and this money has to come from […]

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