I know you have probably heard a lot about time travel and other amazingly true stories which you probably discarded as lies, well the truth is they are not lies Project Pegasus as well as several other classified missions; hardly ever talked about; have been conducted by us government, in this article, I hope to […]

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by Amelia Vandergast As an avid reptile keeper, it’s no surprise that I took a particular interest in the reptilian theory and the concept of reptilians as a whole. To me, they’re no more alien than your average household pet. So is it just purely a lack of imagination that we’ve cooked up the image […]

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By Amelia Vandergast In a world where ‘fake news’ dominates the media, it’s hard to know who and what to trust. We’ve all seen Donald Trump accusing Fox News for broadcasting ‘fake news’ in retaliation for the humiliation and degradation that they hand Trump on a daily basis. The fact that the new season of […]

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By Amelia Vandergast. In modern society we know sinners lie among us, we see them locked away like animals to rot in cells, we spit down upon them just as we’re told to, and America alone harbors 2.3 million criminals for visible crimes that have been committed. But what of the people that operate in […]

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Hurricane Irma is crashing into the state of Florida. While its trajectory has been unpredictable, it is now forecasted to enter the Gulf of Mexico side and ride up the coast, slamming into Key West, Miami, Tampa, Naples, and Orlando. Previously, it was feared that Miami would take the brunt of the force, but that […]

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The legend of Dajjal and apocalypse has been spread by generation to generation. The legend says that the Dajjal will be blind in one eye and will have one powerful eye. He will have weird feet, curly messy hairs, dwarf-like height and he will be ugly as hell. It is believed that he will appear […]

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The 3 A’s Linked to Ancient Alien Theory: Conspiracy, or not? Most people have assumed that ancient text or biblical writings describing God-like monolithic beings descending from the sky were simply myths. Belief in miracles has long since gone out of fashion, and our overly rational minds sometimes have difficulty accepting the unexplainable. Many people […]

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